
ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ کی ویدک ایسٹرولوجی: ایک جائزہ پیدائش کی معلومات: امریکہ کے صدر، مسٹر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ 14 جون 1946ء کو جمیکا میں صبح 10:54 AM پر پیدا ہوئے۔ ویدک سسٹم کے مطابق ان کا شمسی برج ثور ہے، برتھ سائن اسد (Leo) ہے، اور قمری برج عقرب ہے۔ ان کا پیدائشی نچھتر جیشیٹھا ہے۔ برج

سال 2025ء میں چار گرہن سال 2025ءکے پہلے چاند گرہن کی ابتداء 14 مارچ صبح 08 بجکر 57 منٹ جبکہ مکمل چاند گرہن 11 بجکر 26 منٹ اور خاتمہ چاند گرہن دوپہر 03 بجے ہوگا۔ سال 2025ء کے پہلے سورج گرہن کی ابتداء 29 مارچ 01 بجکر 50 منٹ جبکہ مکمل سورج گرہن دوپہر 03

Pisces people will experience fundamental life changes during March 2025. Varied life aspects will experience changes because planetary shifts are taking place at this time. Due to these changes, Pisces need to develop emotional clarity through intuitive decision-making skills to build their harmonious destiny. Career and Finances Pisces should evaluate their financial plans as Venus

Aquarius people will undergo significant changes while exploring their personal growth. The shifting alignment of planets during March 2025 will create changes in your life between personal and professional areas, leading to goal and aspiration reassessment. Accept this transitional phase with receptive thinking and flexible attitudes so your lasting achievements can form. Career and Finances

The first three months of 2025 become transformative for Capricorn people. The month presents people with chances for personal development while they should evaluate their money situation and forge deeper bonds in their relationships. Yours will face challenges because planetary influences will push you toward giving up comfort to adopt beneficial changes for lasting achievement.

In March 2025, Sagittarius experience both personal transformation and heightened self-discovery. All career-related decisions alongside romantic choices and self-improvement options will be maximized during this month. The cosmic energies influencing your life path require you to welcome changes by maintaining a positive attitude along with flexibility. Career and Finances The beginning of March brings Venus

The incoming month will bring major transformations for people born under the sign of Scorpio. All your career paths alongside romantic relationships and personal development experience changes because of planetary positions that require you to show both resilience and adaptability. This time period requires you to adapt to extensive modifications that specifically impact both your

March 2025 will mark a crucial period for Libra people who will find multiple chances to develop and achieve balance and personal transformation. Your celestial element as an air sign makes Venus the guiding planet to direct your attention toward your partnerships alongside your professional achievements and physical health. The upcoming month requires you to

March 2025 will transform this year for Virgo individuals by offering them new chances for self-improvement alongside career advancement as well as psychological understanding. The earth sign ruler Mercury helps you handle your life challenges effectively through your practical nature. You should concentrate your efforts as you accept forthcoming modifications. Check your full Virgo horoscope

The upcoming March 2025 period contains strong energy for people who identify as Leo while offering both positive prospects and demanding circumstances. The powers of leadership and confidence will reach their pinnacle due to the fire element ruled by the Sun which marks your sign. During this month, major attention will rest on career advancement