Monthly Horoscope for Libra – September 2024
General Overview
September begins with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, which will be in effect up to Mercury stations direct on the 15th. Lunation phase can be associated with some difficulties, in particular, concerning the organization and communication. At least, you may have difficulties in being well-ordered or making precise choices. However, this is also a perfect time where, if there are projects or issues that you started but did not fully complete, it would be good to go back to it. Once Mercury happens to turn direct, then you will be able to find that life flows easier, or should I say, it does become less complicated.
The New Moon in Virgo on the 7th takes place in your 12th house of seclusion and spiritual plane. It is a great time to meditate, let go of all the negative emotions and thoughts, and establish goals for self-transformation. This energy should be utilized to get in touch with your higher self and take up practices such as meditation and pampering.
Explore more insights on your Daily Libra Horoscope
Career and Finance
For a career, September is a month of steady work and some measly advancement. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 18th will be more prominent in your sixth house of work and daily routine. This could be the acknowledgment for hard work or a chance to enhance the workplace. Take your time and try to convey the message or the idea as exact as possible; do not be afraid to listen to criticism.
Perhaps, financially, it is a month to be wary of and be more alert than usual. This, however, does not mean that you should fully cancel all of your plans; do not make an important financial move before the 15th if Mercury is retrograding. On the midterm, it should be more about the reflective process of the budget and about the planning for the upcoming days/weeks/months.
Love and Relationships
The emotion that was built in September is close to your heart, Libra. Since Venus, your ruling planet, is going direct in Leo, your relationship sector will be hot with intensity. This is the right time if you are single or involved to deepen interpersonal relations with other people. The concept of relationship management that will be employed most frequently will be the concept of openness within your relationships.
To know more about the romantic side of Libra, visit Libra Love Compatibility
Health and Wellness
It is health-centric this month. The New Moon in Virgo will allow you to focus on the physical and mental state of all the members of the family. Now it’s a perfect time for someone to change up their exercise regime, to start a diet plan, or even add meditation in their everyday life. Caring for your physical health shall assist you in getting the balance that you so much desire.
Read more on Healthy Habits for Libras to help improve your health this month.
Lucky Colors and Numbers
Lucky Colors: One of the designs is pink and light blue.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 11, 23
Final Thoughts
In terms of self-analysis and personal development, September 2024 is a good period for you, Libra. In that way, that you insist on your better personal growth, with professional contacts, and with your health, you will be prepared for any challenge and ready to make the most of any opportunity.
Check out Daily Libra Horoscope for day-to-day forecasts and head over to Blog for a more detailed analysis.
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