Yellow Sapphire Stone of Fame – Pukhraj

SKU: Yellow-Sapphire-A

4,800 12,000 

  • Yellow Sapphire, also known as Pukhraj, is associated with the planet Jupiter (Guru) in Vedic astrology.
  • It is considered one of the most powerful and auspicious gemstones.
  • Yellow Sapphire is known for its vibrant yellow color and exceptional beauty.
  • It is believed to have a positive influence on various aspects of life, including wealth, prosperity, and wisdom.
  • The gemstone is associated with the qualities of knowledge, spirituality, and higher learning.
  • Yellow Sapphire is believed to enhance intellectual abilities and bring success in education and academic pursuits.
  • It is said to attract wealth, abundance, and financial opportunities.
  • Yellow Sapphire is considered a protective stone, guarding against negative energies and evil influences.
  • The gemstone is believed to bring harmony, peace, and stability in relationships.
  • Yellow Sapphire is often recommended for individuals with a favorable placement of Jupiter in their birth chart.
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What is Yellow Sapphire:

Yellow Sapphire, also known as Pukhraj in Hindi, is a highly prized gemstone from the corundum mineral family. It is characterized by its rich and vivid yellow color, ranging from pale yellow to deep golden hues. Yellow Sapphire is revered for its luster, brilliance, and durability, making it a popular choice for jewelry and ornamental purposes.

The gemstone derives its yellow color from trace elements of iron and chromium present within its crystal structure. The intensity of the yellow color can vary, with more saturated and vibrant shades being highly sought after.

Yellow Sapphire is considered one of the most auspicious gemstones in many cultures and traditions. It is associated with the planet Jupiter, also known as Guru in Vedic astrology. Jupiter is regarded as the planet of wisdom, knowledge, fortune, and spirituality. Hence, Yellow Sapphire is often associated with these qualities and is believed to enhance them in the wearer.

Due to its association with Jupiter, Yellow Sapphire is often worn by individuals seeking success, prosperity, and spiritual growth. It is believed to bring good luck, abundance, and opportunities into one’s life. Yellow Sapphire is also considered a stone of wisdom and is said to stimulate the intellect, expand the mind, and aid in decision-making.

Yellow Sapphire is frequently used in various forms of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. It is often cut into faceted shapes to maximize its brilliance and showcase its vibrant yellow color. The gemstone’s allure and association with positive attributes make it a cherished and valuable gemstone among gem enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

Why someone should wear it:

  1. Prosperity and Abundance: Yellow Sapphire is believed to attract wealth, success, and abundance into the life of the wearer. It is said to enhance financial prospects and bring opportunities for growth and prosperity.
  2. Wisdom and Knowledge: Yellow Sapphire is associated with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and knowledge. It is believed to enhance intellectual abilities, stimulate the mind, and promote higher learning, making it beneficial for students, scholars, and individuals seeking wisdom.
  3. Career and Professional Success: Yellow Sapphire is said to have a positive impact on one’s career and professional life. It is believed to bring opportunities for advancement, success in business ventures, and recognition in the workplace.
  4. Health and Well-being: Yellow Sapphire is thought to have healing properties and can promote overall physical and mental well-being. It is believed to support the immune system, aid in digestion, and provide relief from ailments such as jaundice and liver disorders.
  5. Protection and Spiritual Growth: Yellow Sapphire is associated with protection against negative energies and evil influences. It is believed to create a shield of positive energy around the wearer, warding off obstacles and negative vibrations. Additionally, Yellow Sapphire is believed to support spiritual growth, expand consciousness, and deepen one’s connection to higher realms.
  6. Marriage and Relationships: Yellow Sapphire is considered a stone of marital bliss and harmony. It is believed to strengthen relationships, promote fidelity, and attract a compatible life partner. It is often recommended for individuals seeking a happy and fulfilling marriage.
  7. Confidence and Optimism: Yellow Sapphire is thought to boost self-confidence, optimism, and a positive outlook on life. It is believed to dispel feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, instilling courage and a sense of purpose.
  8. Spiritual Protection and Guidance: Yellow Sapphire is said to provide spiritual protection and guidance. It is believed to assist in spiritual practices, meditation, and connecting with divine energies. It is considered a powerful talisman for spiritual seekers.
  9. Balancing Energies: Yellow Sapphire is associated with balancing energies within the body and aligning the chakras. It is believed to bring harmony and balance to the energy centers, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
  10. Enhanced Intuition: Yellow Sapphire is believed to heighten intuition and psychic abilities. It is said to facilitate inner guidance, enhance intuitive insights, and support spiritual awakening.


Price is per carat chose accordingly

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