Virgo Monthly Horoscope – September 2024
General Overview
Mercury, your ruling planet, starts the month in retrograde in your sign until the 15th of September. This could lead to some distortions or lack of synergy in some areas that require accuracy and perfect coordination. But, it is this period which also provides an excellent opportunity to sit back and review projects that require fine-tuning. So once Mercury turns direct, you will be much better placed in terms of speech and clarity of thought.
You have New Moon in Virgo on the 7th, and it is highly relevant for you, as Virgo is your first house of self. This is the right time to make new personal resolutions and begin the process of change and growth or personal development. New Moon will help you with the tasks related to the improvement of your quality of life and optimization of your schedules.
Explore more insights on your Daily Virgo Horoscope
Career and Finance
As for the career, September is the month full of work progress. There will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the 18th, which will affect the detailed aspects of the seventh house of partnerships. It could lead to significant changes in your interpersonal professional conducting, be it in cooperation, mutual business, or in clientiality. Have a flexible mindset to collaborate with others because collaboration will determine success in most cases.
In terms of finances, this month is best characterized by thrifty intentions. In the case of Mercury retrograde, do not get involved in any financial plans or investments, especially this August. When Mercury turns direct, it is wise to appraise your monetary policies for the subsequent six months and perhaps arrange for some saving funds.
Love and Relationships
Mercury retrograde spells some impatience in your love life in the first half of the month, but it will improve as the later part of the month comes in. There could be some tension as a result of some misunderstanding or delays in communication, but this is easily overcome by coming down a little bit on our communication. Starting after the 15th, you will be able to have better – less contentious – communication with people.
For single Virgos, it is good to look for a new partner during the later part of September. This is particularly a good time to be in a relationship and spend quality time with the special someone.
Read about Virgo Love traits at Virgo Love Compatibility
Health and Wellness
This month, Virgo, health is in an excellent position for you. The New Moon in your sign is also the perfect signal to begin a new health or exercise program or to update an existing one. From obtaining better nutrition, weight loss, exercises, mental health, and a host of other things, September is the month that invites the change.
Read more on Healthy Habits for Virgos to help keep the health of Virgos in check this month.
Lucky Colors and Numbers
Lucky Colors: Royal blue, deep and natural brown
Lucky Numbers: Their authorities number 3, 8, and 14.
Final Thoughts
You Virgos are in for a progressive September 2024 that comes with deep reflections as well as lots of possibilities. By embracing individual aspirations, building and nurturing meaningful business connections, and paying attention to your well-being, you lay down a good base for productivity and success in the forthcoming months.
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